We started our "I Am a Healthy Kid" unit this week and the kids are having a ball and learning so much! This week we discussed the outside of our bodies. We discussed our skin, hair, and body parts such as elbow, kneecap, wrists, etc. We talked about how the front of our body looks different from the back. After this discussion, I gave the children construction paper and they created a cover for their "I Am a Healthy Kid" book that showed the way they looked on the outside. Then they created the back cover that showed the way they look in the back. It was s

o fun to watch them deciding how the back of their heads looked!
The next day we talked about our brain and nervous system. They laughed when I told them that our brain is the computer of our body! We discussed how our brain gets signals to the rest of our body through our nervous system. They glued the brain to the flip side of the their front cover and then glued yellow yarn strips from the brain around their body to symbolize their nervous system.

Today we talked about our skeletons. When I showed the picture of a skeleton, the kids all went "Ooh, scary!" So we had a talk about how our skeletons are part of us and real skeletons are not scary. We did funny movements with our bodies and noticed that our skeletons moved with us! We talked a lot about our skulls and why it is such a important bone in our body. This brought us to a discussion of wearing helmets when we ride our bikes. It is interesting how many children said that they are too old to wear a helmet!
Next week we will start the inner pages. I'll let you know how it goes!

Happy weekend!