Liebster Award

A few weeks ago, Barb from Kinderzoo awarded me the Leibster Award. This is an award for blogs that have under 200 followers. I am always humbled when someone tells me that they enjoy my blog. I am never sure just who is reading what I am writing, so it surprises me when I receive these awards!
So here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award. Thank you, Barb from Kinderzoo!
2. Link back to that person's blog.
3. Copy and paste the Liebster Award.
4. Pick 5 blogs who you feel need to be noticed and have under 200 followers.
5. Finally--blog about it and leave a comment on their blog to let them know about it.

I will admit that I have not had the time to "blog hop" to find 5 other new blogs. BUT, as I find them, I plan to post them here and share all their wonderfulness! Thank you, Kinderzoo!