Mallory did a science lesson on clouds. We found this activity on Pinterest and if you get a chance to try it, you should! If this is your idea, please let me know and I will credit you! It takes little preparation, but the kids are fascinated with what happens!
First read Tomie dePaola's "The Cloud Book." Then give children this sheet (or click on the picture below) and cotton balls. They stretch the cotton balls to look like each type of cloud. The Nimbus cloud (thunder cloud) could be drawn with crayon or marker OR the cotton ball could be colored with black marker. We copied the worksheet onto blue paper.
Give each child a clear plastic cup filled with water. Squirt shaving cream on the top of the water. Dilute some blue food coloring in water and put into cups. We had 2 children share a cup of diluted blue water. Each child has their own cup of shaving cream and water, though, and an eye dropper. Discuss how clouds hold in water until they get so heavy, the water has to fall.
The children put drops of water onto the shaving cream and watch and watch until finally it begins to rain! How cool is that!