I attended a wonderful workshop with Deanna Jump today! It was a Reading, Math, and Science workshop sponsored by our Illinois ASCD. It was a great day for a couple reasons.... First, I was able to spend the day with one of my kinder co-workers, Lisa, who I haven't seen since school was out in May. We had a fun time catching up during our hour long drive to the workshop. Second, I saw my good friend, Karen, who has been teaching kindergarten as long as I have in a school about 2 hours away and this is the first time we have seen each other for at least 20 years! Third, I was honored to have lunch with Deanna who spent at least 15 minutes at our table and I have to tell you that she is as sweet as apple pie! I am an author on Blog Hopper, but Deanna and I have only communicated through email and this was our first "face to face!" When we met, she told me that she didn't recognize me at first because I look 15 years younger in person than the picture I use on my blog and TPT! Okay, is this a compliment?? Hmmmmm........ I think I am going to take it as one! :) Deanna was so nice to agree to have a picture taken with me! As I said, she is as sweet as apple pie and her workshop was AWESOME! If you ever get a chance to attend one, I would highly recommend it! You won't be disappointed!
Here is a picture of a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom coconut tree anchor chart asking the question: Will a coconut float?
Here is a cute way to compare/contrast farm animals. Deanna suggested using this style instead of a traditional Venn diagram. The facts are written on the flowers.
I came away with so much fun stuff and it made me excited to get going on my new school year! Next week, I plan to be in my classroom to begin some serious organization!