As many kindergarten teachers do, we did a "Kissing Hand" project. After reading the story of Chester, the raccoon, in "The Kissing Hand", we discussed how we felt the first day of school and I wrote the responses on a large gray raccoon poster. (I THOUGHT that I had taken a picture of the hand poster, but I could not find it on my camera tonight! I will try to take a picture of it tomorrow and update this post!). After our discussion, the children created Chester from pre-cut pieces. The children will eventually be cutting their own pieces, but on the second day of school, I thought I would do this step! The following day, I painted their hand and they pressed it onto the other side of the paper. We gave these pictures to our parents for Open House. I think they turned out really cute!
The apple for our parents is from Erica Bohrer and you can find the link to her idea here.
We started Math Work Stations this week. Things are getting better and better each day! We are still doing Free explore. They are working in partners and exploring a different tub each day. It so much fun listening to how they are exploring their tubs! Some are saying "Let's put all the green ones together" or " Let's make a pattern." Math concepts are beginning with just a little exploration!
Until next time! Blessings, Cindy