Teacher Week! Must Haves Monday!

It is Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin' and I  am linking up to do some fun posts for the beginning of school. Today is "Must Have Monday!" I have to say that the one item that I cannot live without is my personal laminator! I have one at home and one at school! I purchase the large packs of laminating pouches from Sams and keep pouches at both places. We have a laminator at school, but usually when I need something laminated, it is too late to return, so that is when I pull out my little laminator and work in my kitchen long past bedtime! I love my laminator!

As a kindergarten teacher, I must have my scented markers! My little kinders will do anything for a mark on their paper with a scented marker! And it is such a special treat for them when THEY get the opportunity to use the markers and not me! These little markers are a great motivator!

I must have my water! I am always drinking water! I also allow my students to get drinks of water often throughout the day. I think that is only fair, don't you?

My last must have is my camera. I am always taking pictures and cannot stand it if a photo opportunity comes up and I don't have a camera! I love my camera and absolutely must have it!
Do you have some Back to School Must Haves? If so, hop on over to Blog Hoppin' and link up!

ALSO..... one more thing......... I am honored to be a featured teacher this week for Ann Smith on Innovative Connections. She has had several really wonderful featured teacher/bloggers and I feel so special to be a part of that list! Thank you so much, Ann for allowing me to be a part of your blogging adventure!   Here is  the link to her blog INNOVATIVE CONNECTIONS.

Until next time! Blessings!