This is going to be a quick post because it is Saturday morning and I have all those weekend tasks to perform before school begins on Monday. Even though I LOVE to blog, I need to get those tasks accomplished before I sit back down and write again!
This week in math, we began the REALLY hard study of tens and ones. We have been dabbling in them for a month or so, but this week, we tried to understand just what a ten frame actually means. Since tens and ones are a huge part of the Common Core Math Standards for kindergarten and first grade, I felt it was important to start this concept now. In previous years, we did not really introduce them until spring. Since kindergarteners must be able to SEE math before they understand it, I have been trying to come up with ways to practice them in hands-on way. I thought I would share a craftivity that we did this week. It has a Christmas theme; in a way. If you cannot do Christmas in your school, I think this activity would still be appropriate.
Here are some examples of some of my student's projects.

I'll be back after the laundry is done, the house is cleaned, the groceries are bought, lesson plans are written, Thanksgiving decorations are taken down..... sigh........
Peace and blessings,
BTW - The frames around the images above are from www.djinkers.com