I AM WONDERFUL - Based on Debbie Clement's song

Don't we all want kids to say, "I am wonderful"? In this post, I share a great back to school or anytime idea based on this wonderful song.

Hello Friends,
I was sooo excited when Debbie Clement asked a few of us if we would be willing to share her CD "I AM WONDERFUL" with our class! Of course, my answer was "YES!" and what fun we had with this song!

 We practiced singing the song for about a week during our Morning Meeting. Debbie included 2 versions of the song; one with lyrics and the other instrumental only. We began with the lyrics and then when I felt my kiddos were ready, I played the instrumental version and they did fantastic! THEN..... when they were ABSOLUTELY wonderful, I videotaped them performing the song! This will be an end of year gift to their parents....... I uploaded the video on You Tube and will give their parents the private link to the song. They also created "I AM WONDERFUL!" portraits which will  be part of their parent gift. First they drew a hill shape for their body and then traced a circle upon skin colored paper. They added paper hair and used crayons to add their face. When this was complete, they used oil crayons to add details to their shirt. After that, they sponged painted around the middle of their paper. Finally, they wrote 2 things that they felt made them wonderful. Aren't these just the cutest? The link to Debbie's I AM WONDERFUL song can be found HERE.

Until next time!
