Oh my goodness, life can get busy pretty quickly! I feel like the days are just flying by and I don't feel like I have accomplished a thing! :) I am hoping that by next weekend, things will have slowed down a bit and life won't be so complicated on the weekends!
I thought I would share our Grandparent's gift that our kinder students did this week. We celebrated Grandparent's Day on Friday. Since most of our kiddos need to make something for TWO sets of grandparents and it is so early in the year, it is hard to find a project that is cute, but easy! So here are two ideas of what we did....
Each child did 2 handprints. For this one, we simply put the handprint on a piece of white paper, glued onto a piece of construction paper and our kiddos glued foam letters around the outside edge.
For this one, the handprint was glued upon a piece of scrapbook paper with the Grandparent's poem and foamies glued to the outside edge!
Click HERE if you would like a copy of the words for the poem.
Easy peasy! I will be back next week with a longer post!
Until next time!