St. Patrick's Day Math Centers - Revised!
Hello Friends!

I thought I would let you know that I just revised my Five Fabulous St. Patrick's Day Math Centers packet. If you purchased it, please re-download! This was one of the first math centers packets I created and as with all my products, after a few times of using it with my kiddos, I found some kinks!

I'm really pleased with the math skills that my kiddos are working on this week. This was the first time I REALLY introduced number combinations. We have been touching on combinations all year, but THIS week, we are working on understanding that one number can be made in many ways. I am using five frames with them this week and then will transition them to ten frames soon.

I also LOVE this little game where my students play a Bingo game using different versions of how numbers are shown!

Here is a quick image of the contents of the packet. Make sure you re-download if you purchased it! And if you are interested in checking it out, click on the link below to take you there!

Until Next time!
