I am linking up with my Blog Hoppin' friends for some Thanksgiving reflections. Today is 'T" for TRADITIONS. We have so many traditions in my family and since I cannot really share them all, I thought I would narrow it down to the our Thanksgiving Day tradition....
My Mom continues to create, cook, and serve Thanksgiving dinner. She starts preparing after Halloween and keeps going until Thanksgiving Day. She is amazing and I can only hope to be half the person she is as I continue onward in my life journey!
Long before my kids were even born, my Mom started the tradition of having her grandchildren decorate gingerbread houses; not the milk cartons and graham cracker ones, but REAL gingerbread houses. She bakes the dough, forms it into house shapes, and then hot glues the pieces together to make a house. She makes the icing, too!
She started this to keep the kids occupied while they were waiting on dinner to cook. It has continued to be a tradition to this day. I KNOW that the gingerbread house forms are waiting to be decorated because she told me she finished them last week!
Here are a few cute picture of our gingerbread house making through the years...... I could not find all of them.... sigh..... Facebook, where were you 20 years ago? :)
Finally, not a Thanksgiving tradition, but a silly one that my husband started years ago is the wearing of the birthday crown! It doesn't matter who you are or how much you do NOT want to wear the crown, it is part of being a member of our family that you MUST wear the crown on your birthday! Once again, I could not find ALL the birthday pictures that I have taken throughout the years with the crown, but here are the few that I DID find! We still have that crown!
Now it is time for YOU to link up and/or hop over to Blog Hoppin' for more more Thanksgiving fun!
Until next time!