First Week Finished and Five for Friday!

Hello Friends,

This was our first week of school and friends, I am dog tired..... You would think that I would remember how exhausting these first weeks are, but I NEVER do! I know it will get better, but YIKES, right now, I am not there yet!

I thought I would join Doodle Bugs Five for Friday this week. I wish I had more pictures to share, but unfortunately, while taking photos for our Parent Information Night on Wednesday, I dropped my camera and it is unusable... so all that leaves is my phone, which I am glad to have, but it does not take the photos that my camera takes..... boo hoo...... Anyway..... on to Five for Friday...
1.  As I said, we had our Parent Information Night on Wednesday. This is time for the parents to meet the teacher. It is both a stressful and wonderful time because we stand in front of a group of parents that we have not really met and tell them what their child will be experiencing this year BUT we also get the opportunity to personally welcome parents to our classrooms. I like to give the parents a small welcome gift and this year, I used the idea of the fabulous Regan Tunstall. You can find the link to her idea HERE. It is simply a water bottle tied with a note and a Crystal Light packet that says "Here's to a refreshing year together."

2.  We had our first practice of Read to a Partner this week. The kids did a SUPER job sharing and reading their books with their partners.

3.  I have a locked door in the corner of my classroom that leads to the furnace/air conditioning unit. To liven up this corner a bit, my kiddos make these cute Mirror, mirror on the wall projects. This is a fun project based on an idea from Kim Jordano which you can find HERE.

Here is how that corner looks now....

4.   I know I have showcased this booklet in other posts, but I LOVE doing it with my kiddos! It is such a fun way to review preschool shapes and introduce new shapes such as octagon, trapezoid, and rhombus. It also follows the Math Common Core standards of understanding how to create shapes from other shapes. On this page, the kids learn that a square can be cut in such a way that it creates 2 triangles.

Here is the link to the booklet...

5.  Finally...... We released one of our Monarch butterflies this week! We are raising one more in our classroom.....

Have a wonderful week! Make sure that you visit Doodle Bugs Teaching for more ideas!
Also, join us at Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week. It should be a fun week of blogging!

Until next time!
