My Classroom Photos - Teacher Week 2015

Hello Friends,

(I actually wrote this post a few weeks ago, so I am tweaking it a bit for Teacher Week on Blog Hoppin!)

I met my new class on Thursday and they are just the sweetest! If the last couple of days are any indication of how the year will run, it will be a good one!

I thought I would share some photos of my classroom. It is REALLY similar to last year with just a few changes. I liked the setup of my room last year, so I kept a lot of it the same. My "theme" this year is owls, but honestly, it will really only be owls until I change bulletin boards!

Here are my owl bulletin boards. I used a ton of Carson Dellosa stuff. I just rolled up brown paper to create the nest and branch. I added my students names to the owls. They are not shown in this photo.

This is my good behavior bulletin board.

On this bulletin board, I added real life photos of my students which are not shown in this picture. I created the owl from brown construction paper and rolled up tissue paper for the branch. Once again, Carson Dellosa saved the day with these cute little owls.

I used this beach umbrella last year for a reading nook. This year, I simply recovered the seats and added foam letters along the bottom spelling out the word READ.

 This is the front of my classroom.

I love these letter posters above my window. I got the idea for using wrapping paper for curtains from Schoolgirl Style. It is simply wrapped around a spring rod and secured at the bottom with border trim. Easy peasey!

Here is another reading nook that is located in our classroom library corner.
This organization idea for storing colored paper idea is from Deanna Jump. I LOVE using these drawers to organize my construction paper.

Here is my little corner of the classroom. I don't have a desk, but I needed SOMETHING to call my own, so I set up this small table. I covered it with wrapping paper and laid a clear desk mat on  the top to create a smooth surface. I made the "Mrs. Feeney" sign on my desk from my Silhouette cutter a few years ago.

Finally, here is a view from the opposite side of the room.....
So that's it for now..... I hope that, perhaps, you found some inspiration from these photos. You can see that I do not have an elaborately themed classroom. It is child friendly, organized, and happy.... and that makes my students and ME happy! :)

Make sure that you hop on over to Blog Hoppin for some AWESOME classroom setup ideas!

Until next time!
