I just love that Kacey has this Five for Friday linky. It really forces me to stay updated with my blog and also gives me the opportunity to reflect on my week and..... drum roll..... It is STILL Friday! Yay!
1. I show these pictures every year, but they just keep getting more adorable! This is my assessment on Seasons for science. I break them up into groups, give them a season, and then they have to create an apple tree in mural form that depicts that season. I think that all got an A+ on this assessment!
2. This year, I gave the Winter group diamond dust glitter to add to their mural - It was pure heaven for them to be given a glue bottle and glitter! When they were finished, they got the brooms and dustpans and cleaned up all the glitter that spilled on the floor..... Be still, my heart... I love these sweeties!
3. These are the little books that they took home showing the same thing as their murals.
We used the Apple Tree Season part of my Apple Unit for this project.....
5. Just a couple more nature shots and then I PROMISE that is IT for nature shots for awhile! This photo shows a family of cardinals that are living in my backyard. There are 5 of them in this photo, but at one time, I saw SIX of them!
So... that's my Five random happenings..... I just purchased a Sony a5000 DSLR camera which is the reason I have been playing with nature shots. I am going to try to remember to take some classroom photos this week to share!
Make sure you visit Doodle Bug Teaching for Five for Friday!
Until next time!