Hello Friends,
I just love Thanksgiving! It is a holiday where families strive to spend the day together, there are no gifts to wrap, and decorating is USUALLY kept to a minimum. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Christmas, too, but it's nice to have a holiday where all you have to do is think about the food!
I am joining with Doodle Bug Teaching for Five for Friday...
1. I couldn't resist starting my post with this photo of my son's dog, Zooey. She was not too pleased to be dressed and photographed for a Thanksgiving picture! :)
2. Our Thanksgiving table was beautiful this year. It was especially nice to be able to keep my eating to a reasonable amount because our food was very healthy this year... Well, ignore the gravy and mashed potatoes.... and I DID have a piece of pumpkin pie.....
3. I revised my Christmas Around the World unit and am looking forward to starting it on Monday. We start the unit with what to pack in our suitcases. I bring in a suitcase filled with articles and we take turns sorting them into "wants" and "needs". I have purchased most of the items from Target and Walmart in their clearance aisle. I DO add a pair of kid's underwear and socks to the suitcase; they are not shown in this photo.
After we do this sorting activity together as a class, they "pack" their own suitcase in their Christmas Around the World" booklet.
If you would like the NEEDS and WANTS posters, you can get them in a Google doc form by clicking
HERE. (Please note that sometimes your school/district does not allow downloads from sources outside of your network. If that happens, check with your district as to how to unlock the restrictions on your account.)
If you purchased (or want to purchase) my REVISED Christmas unit, click HERE.

4. For the past few years, it has not been unusual for me have a couple of kids who come to kindergarten already reading. These kids do not need the constant drill of learning letters and sounds that is such a big part of our day in kindergarten. I have tried purchasing first/second grade workbooks to use in a guided reading group, but they just haven't worked for me. The skills might be appropriate for them, the content may not be. I do not believe in putting a five year into a workbook. So.... I have been working on this resource for a LONG time. I have put together activities that can be used with ANY book. I have found such success with these activities! My kiddos can read any trade book at any level and then we can use the activities in the packet to enrich what was read in the book. I have used these sheets with picture books AND chapter books. These sheets are also nice to print and have available for early finishers. After reading a book or story, kids choose a sheet to do that is both fun and educational.

This resource can be found by clicking the image below.
5. Here's an easy 'THEN and NOW" activity to do. Staple plain paper into a colorful napkin. Kids draw pictures of things that happened (or were around) THEN and things that happened (or were around). They label their pages with words or sentences. We did this with our Thanksgiving Then and Now unit. :)
That's all for now, my friends... Make sure that you hop over to Doodle Bugs Teaching!
Until next time!