2. Another SWEET thing about the end of the year..... I had an awesome room parent who made me feel appreciated every day... Here is my end of year gift from my class... Everything in the bucket was orange. I kind of messed it up a bit when I was looking through it, but here are some of the items inside: orange slices candy, orange tic tacs, Reese's peanut butter cups, an orange gift card to Barnes & Noble, cute orange pinwheels, an orange scented candle, orange post it notes, orange straws, and kiwi orange gum....
3. I also received this precious gift... The children each decorated a wooden heart with markers. The hearts were glued to a picture frame. And.... yes.... I only had 12 kids this year... and yes..... I know that I am lucky..... and no..... this is not usual..... :)
4. I got this sweet idea from Katie Mense at Little Warriors.
Using wonderful clip art from Mel Lloyd From the Pond, I created an Avatar class picture. It was so much fun making it and a nice gift that the KIDS enjoyed as well as the parents!
Take care, my friends and make sure that you visit Doodle Bugs Teaching at Five for Friday!
Until next time,