Graduation Kids Craft

Hello Friends,

I thought that I would share a little craft that we did with our kinders today and...... I want you to know that I am not taking credit for the idea. We found it at the website of Welcome to Room 36.)  I teach in a K-8 school and our kindergarten and 8th graders "buddy up" throughout the year doing projects and activities together. It is such a wonderful experience for both our little ones and the BIG eighth graders. Our 8th graders graduate early, so we had a fun outdoor picnic with each other and then the 8th graders brought their yearbooks to our kinders for them to sign - so CUTE to see this interaction. Before the 8th graders came down with their yearbooks, our kinders created a card for them. 


Now.... this card took a LONG time to make, but it turned out adorable.  I made quick tracers for the craft that you can use. I made them quickly, so they are not perfect; but maybe they can give you a foundation for the creation of the graduation kid. Click HERE for the templates.

If you receive a message asking me to share this with you, your school is probably blocking your download. Try downloading at home. The link is set for public, so once you are away from school, it should work.

We added this to the inside of our cards, but you could add anything. Just attach writing paper to the middle and write! 

Until next time!
