Hello Friends,
One project that I like to do with my kiddos is the creation of an Advent wreath. I like doing this one because the kids do virtually every step by themselves. No hot glue! It does take a bit of prep and also takes a bit of time to complete, but I like the way it ends up and the kids learn along the way, too. :)
SUPPLIES: (for each student)
1. Chinette Classic White 10 3/8 inch dinner plate
2. Templates (found HERE)
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3. Purple, pink, and green paper (I use Astrobright paper.)
4. Glue
5. Clear tape
6. 4 wooden craft sticks
7. Green tissue paper (optional)
Print the candle templates upon the appropriate paper. Hope, Peace, and Love are printed upon purple paper. Joy is printed upon pink paper.
Students cut along the outside edge of the candle. Roll into a tube and secure with clear tape. Once it is secured, cut along the bottom lines.
Fold the tabs on the dotted lines.
Notice that this photo shows the candle template colored with purple crayon. That is another option. It just adds another step in the process. :)
Color the circle template green. Cut out and glue to the bottom of the plate. There are 2 options for this step. The first one is to color the template green. The second option is to print the template upon green paper. You can also paint the paper plate green and skip this step if you wish.
Place glue onto the bottom of the tabs. Place the candle upon the circles. Continue this way until all candles have been attached to the plate.
Color the holly leaves. Cut them out. Glue around the base of the candles.
Use pieces of tissue paper scrunched and glued to the top of the plate.
Color the candle flames. Cut out four flames and attach to a craft stick. The sticks are placed inside each candle. They can be added to a candle for each Sunday in Advent.
Here are photos of the two options for creation of the Advent wreath...
OPTION 1: This one uses Astrobright paper for the candles, flame, and green template. The plate is also painted green.
OPTION 2: The candles, flames, and green template are colored with crayons. The holly leaves are also colored with green crayon.
There you have it! A not VERY messy Advent wreath!
Happy Advent, my friends!
Until next time,