Backyard Birds for Kindergarten Drawing

Hello Friends,

I am an amateur bird watcher. There is something about watching birds that brings me much joy. I live in a suburban neighborhood so wildlife in my backyard is limited, but birds can be found anywhere which makes them a great animal to study and observe.

I have a bird feeder very close to my back patio that is visited often by various birds such as cardinals and of course, sparrows.

I get super excited when I see the shy Goldfinch stop by!

In my classroom, I like to share my love of birds with my students. I bring in Bird identification books and discuss how to use them to identify the birds in our backyards. My students have so much fun looking out our classroom window and finding birds that they can identify. They then use drawing techniques to draw and label birds that they see and birds that they HOPE to see one day.

I do our bird unit in the spring so that when my kiddos are home for the summer, they might remember to look out their window and perhaps see a bird that we studied in school. I have had students come back to me in the fall telling me that they used their field guide to identify birds in their backyard. To me, this is a successful unit - when students come back months later to tell you what they did with the knowledge that they learned earlier!

If you are interested in my BACKYARD BIRDS resource, click the image below.
Until next time!
