Native American Unit and Turkey Creations

Whew! Parent-teacher conferences and then my formal evaluation all within the last week!  Even after all the years that I have taught, I still get all worked up over conferences and I ESPECIALLY get all worked up over my formal evaluation! We did not have school on Friday, so my students came to school on Monday after a 3- day weekend and my evaluation was at 8:30 a.m.! But it is over and now I can draw a sigh of relief and get on with my regular teaching!

I was so excited to wake up on Sunday morning and find my Native American mini-unit featured in the TPT newsletter! I like to teach Native Americans at Thanksgiving BUT I really, really want to keep away from Native American stereotypes. Instead I concentrate on the lifestyles of the various tribes throughout the nation. I try to teach our students that the Native Americans of the past did not live in all the same ways; that the way they lived depended on WHERE they lived. My students do a mini book where they draw the illustrations that go with the pages using directed drawing techniques. I am so proud of how well they have been following directions! Their illustrations have been amazing!
We also made teepees from tortilla shells. The kids used Crayola markers to decorate them. They are presently drying in the hall. Tomorrow, I will hot glue them to a paper plate because they get very fragile when dry.
And finally, here are the step by step turkey creations that my kinders did last week.
You can find my Native American mini unit HERE or click the image. You can find my turkey creation resource HERE. It's free!

The colorful frames I used to frame the pictures are from The Enlightened Elephant. You can find them HERE.

More soon! Peace and blessings,