Woo Hoo! Circus Pack is Finished and a Super Sale!

First of all,  I am participating in the TPT Super Sale on Sunday! All my products will be discounted at 20% for Sunday and Monday. With TPT's discount, that is up to a 28% discount! Don't forgot to add the promo code SUPER to get the TPT discount!

Now......... I am going to share a freebie with you. My students created a clown from construction paper and then wrote about their clown using these sentence starters: My clown LIKES, My clown IS, My clown CAN. Here are some examples: You can find this freebie HERE.

 We have been doing the circus on and off in our kindergarten for a number of years. Through the years, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with some really awesome co-teachers. It is through these partnerships that I was able to refine our circus script and make it worthy of publication. The ideas are a compilation of my partners, my mother, and ideas that we have found here and there throughout the years. We truly feel that a circus theme has literacy and historical significance for our students. The circus was a big part of our US history as the circus trains would travel from town to town bringing enjoyment and fun to their citizens. The railroad made it possible for the circus to transport large animals and equipment. As with all history, the circus has its dark side, but that is not something that I feel my kinders must know at this point in their lives.

Because the circus is not as common now as it used to be in the United States, I have included a short book that gives students a general idea of what is involved in the circus. They then create their own book using step by step drawing techniques. If you prefer not to use the step by step drawing techniques, I have also included black line pages for the book. There are quite a few common standards that are used to do this play, too!
Everything you need to put on a classroom circus is included in this packet! Here is a preview of the components:

I have also created a Math and Literacy pack as a companion to the Circus script. Every activity has been tested on my students and they had a great time doing them!

 Click the image below for  the link to the Math and Literacy pack.

Whew! That was A LOT! I hope to have pictures to share of our circus performers next week!
 I have linked up with Terri from Terri's Teaching Treasures and the  Blog Hoppin authors! Hop on over to find some other amazing teacher bloggers who are participating in the TPT sale!

Have a great week!

Blessings, Cindy