My Bright Idea - Flower Power Words

Hello Friends!

I am linking up with another Bright Idea! Yay!

My kiddos have been practicing reading and writing CVC words. We use magnet letters, whiteboards, letter tiles.... all those fun manipulatives that we put in our Word Work centers for our kiddos to use. Since it is Spring and we have been talking about all things spring, I thought I would create another manipulative for them to use to form words.

I have a TON of Popsicle sticks and I mean a TON! I have plain and colored sticks and decided that I would use these to create the stem of a flower. A parent donated foam flower shapes a couple of years ago and I have been hanging on to them in the hopes that I would be inspired to use them in some way. I also have a TON of foam letters, so all these things put together made it possible to create these cute foam letter flowers! I used leftover foam to make leaves and flower centers. I found it easier to have everything ready before I made the flowers.

My  kiddos are also practicing sorting consonants and vowels. I have 2 containers; one labeled "vowels" and the other labeled "consonants." They take 2 consonants and 1 vowel and make a cvc word. A hint: Take out the y's and q's for CVC words; they complicate reading them!

I placed a small basket of CVC pictures next to the flowers that my students use to create words.


Creating the box is easy; just use colored duct tape and use it to wrap a shoe box or other small box. I completely cover the box.

Use a razor blade or box cutter to make slits in the top of the box.

I added a foam sun to the back of the box, but this is not necessary. I added a strip of polka dotted duct tape to the middle of the box and hot glued alphabet letters to the front.

 My students created CVC words with these flowers during guided reading groups and they were proud to show them off!

When they finished, they removed the word from the box and returned the consonants to the consonant box and the vowels to the vowel bucket. (I found that it made creation of the words easier for my kiddos if the consonants were placed in a basket rather than the cute box I made for them in the photo earlier in the post!)

I also thought that I could use these flowers for ABC order activities, spelling words, and CVCe words. They could play a partner game by turning the flowers upside down and taking turns picking one. When they have enough letters to make a word, they add it to their flower box. When all the flowers are gone from the pile, they count how many words were made and see who made the most!
This stores nicely in a basket and is a fun "When I am finished" activity for those kiddos who need something to do when their work is complete.

 So that's my Bright Idea, I hope you enjoyed it!

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