I am finishing up my Spring break and headed home. I know that many of you did not get Spring break due to the horrible weather..... Boo....... Teachers need a week in the Spring to get rejuvenated for the last dash to the finish! It was so nice for me to able to sit back, clear the cobwebs from my brain, and remember why I do this incredible job! As we all know, teaching is more than an 8-5 "leave the workplace and don't look back" kind of job. I often wake up in the middle of night thinking thoughts of how I can encourage a reluctant learner to try again or how I can jazz up the next day's lesson. It's more than a job; it's a vocation! So, being able to walk away for a few days give the dendrites an opportunity to grow and expand in other ways so that when we return, we are powered up and ready for a strong finish!
A few of my favorite spring resources are:
This resource is free in my store and could easily be used for Earth Day!
Here is my newest religious resource.... Not really Spring themed, but one that has been on my radar to finish for MONTHS!
Okay... time to get geared up for welcoming my kiddos back tomorrow!
Until next time!