Happy Friday, the end of spring break, and Five for Friday....

Hello Friends,

It's Friday and I am joining Doodle Bug Teaching for Five for Friday. I have been on spring break all week and it has gone FAST! In my last post, I listed things that I wanted to accomplish over break. I did accomplish most of them, but some are still pending.....

1.  We have been lucky this week... our weather has been nice. Today, I am looking at my BEAUTIFUL forsythia bushes. What a lovely contrast between the blue sky and yellow flowers!

2.  I spent a nice day with my Mom and a lovely weekend in Chicago with my daughter. I am so blessed to have such special people in my life!

3.  This is my newest purchase. I struggle to drink enough water. For years, I was drinking flavored water that was infused with aspartame... I have come to find out that this is AWFUL for me to drink in large quantities. The problem I have is that I just do not enjoy the flavorless taste of plain water. So, I have been making water infused with fruit and adding a couple of splashes of carbonation to my water. It actually is pretty tasty... :)

4.  I have been spending much of my free time revising my TPT units. This is one that I thought would take me a couple of hours and it took me an ENTIRE day and a half to revise because I totally took it apart and made it new again. I will be teaching it in a few weeks and am looking forward to the new revisions.


This is another one that needed a HUGE face lift. I am really happy with the changes.


 Here are a few fun additions..... :)

5.  One thing that I wanted to get accomplished over break was to tidy up my home office. Did I do it? Well.... yes.... kind of........ Once I got started on it, I realized, though,  that it was one of those things that would take days and days to do and I had to decide if I wanted to spend my entire break working on that or doing things that I considered "more fun." Well.... I opted with "semi-organizing" and will put it on the top of my summer To-Do list. At least I can see the top of my desk, right? ;)

Make sure you check into Doodle Bug Teaching for Five for Friday.....


That's it for now, my friends..... I wish you a blessed Easter weekend and pleasant times with your families!

Until next time...
