We are still continuing our Healthy Me unit. The kids are really enjoying this and I am so pleased with the activities that we have been doing! Yesterday we talked about our lungs. I gave each child a plastic sandwich bag and we inserted a drinking straw into it. Then we closed the bag tightly around the straw and secured with scotch tape. The children then blew into the bag and noticed that the bag expanded. Then I asked them to take their hands and GENTLY collapse the bag. It was so cool to watch their little faces light up

This week of course, we are also enjoying Dr. Seuss! I cannot believe how much my students LOVE these books! They can sit for hours listening to those silly words! :) They are doing some fun projects with a few of the books. Of course, we had to do something with The Cat in the Hat! I tried to find something a little different to do tha


Lisa, one of my co-teachers also did this project and had her students make SUPER tall hats! I took a picture of her hats, too!
Another Dr. Seuss project we did was based on "Oh the Places We Will Go!" I wasn't sure if my little kinders would understand what Dr. Seuss was trying to say in this book, but they sure took away more from it than I thought they would! We talked a lot about the places we go when we travel and the types of transportation we use when we do travel. This works in perfectly with our transportation standard that we have in kindergarten! In a literacy center this week, each child painted the front of a white construction paper hot air balloon. (I ada