This week was one of those weeks that you just are glad that you got through it! We had no school on Monday because of our Columbus Day holiday. Then on Tuesday morning, we returned to school and were prepared to have a normal Tuesday when our principal noticed quite a bit of water on the playground in the back. Come to find out, we had a broken water main and had to dismiss school at 11:00 a.m.! Then on Wednesday, we had a special assembly to listen to one of our local heroes who was on the US Men's Olympic gold medal swim team. His message was wonderful by the way! On Thursday, we had a fire drill with the Fire Department present and on Friday (today), we had an all school assembly to cheer our Cross Country team on to State! Whew! We got through the schedule changes, but it was a little hard on my kinders who crave structure! Next week (fingers crossed), shooooould be normal...... !!!
Our theme this week was Fire Safety. We spent a lot of time discussing how to be safe in a fire - a pretty typical unit for kindergarten. In the course of the week, my kinders made the cutest firefighters! The orange thing is the hose... it ended up looking like an elephant's trunk, but cute nonetheless! I love the firefighter lips on some of the firefighters!
I needed a quick fix on my door bulletin board and decided to keep the Apple theme that I started in August. I used the CUTEST clip art to make the leaves and then superimposed my student's faces on the leaves. This has to be the easiest door decoration that I have had ever done! The clip art is FREE from The 3 AM teacher found HERE AND being from Illinois, I just HAD to write "Happy Fall You ALL" I just couldn't bring myself to put "Happy Fall Y'All!" :)
Here is my October religion bulletin board. It's hard to see the candy corn cutouts that I used because I had to block out the kid's faces. Again, though, a SUPER, EASY bulletin board to create! I used candy corn clip art, but you could use cut-outs instead if you did not want to use your printer ink!
You can find the link to my Fire Safety packet HERE or click on the image.
Peace and blessings,