Good-bye Bees and Apple Trees!

Well, the end of our Apple and Bees unit has come, but before I close the book on this unit, I thought I share some of our apple orchard field trip pictures and honeybee projects.

We were so lucky that the weather cooperated for us on our field trip. It had rained most of the day before and when I woke up the morning of the trip, it was a dribbly rain. This is a rain or shine field trip, but it is SO MUCH more fun if the weather is nice! But as luck would have it, when the honeybee presentation was over, the sun came out and my little kinders had their apple cider and apple donut snack outside and played in the orchard playground! Woo hoo!

We are so blessed to have an orchard so close to our school. It takes less than 15 minutes to drive there. The orchard added a new classroom setting to their facility and it is a very pleasant place for our little ones to learn about bees. We have a choice of visiting the orchard, picking a pumpkin, or learning about bees. We always choose the bee presentation because it is such a nice segway into our insect unit. Of course, we base most of our insect unit on the honeybee. We do touch upon general characteristics of insects, but for the most part, it is all about bees with this unit!

My kinders created a little book to go along with our Honeybee unit. The words on the page are a little challenging for a kinder to read, but after all the studying that we do on bees, they are able to take the book home and TELL the story of the honeybee to their parents.

At the conclusion of our Honeybee unit, we made 3D styrofoam bees. If you would like to know how to make the bee, you will find the LINK here.

You can find the link to my Honeybee unit HERE or click the picture!

Peace and Blessings!