Five For Friday and Blessed to Be Healthy!

Hello Friends!

Once again, I am linking up with Five for Friday on a Saturday morning. I am just so T.I.R.E.D on Fridays when I get home from school; ESPECIALLY on Fridays. I have good intentions, but usually end up thinking of a million reasons why I MUST put my feet up and recline on Fridays.... sigh.....So, it's Saturday morning and I am sitting here at my computer enjoying the beautiful sunshine and feeling blessed to be alive and healthy.... and writing my Five for FRIDAY post on a Saturday..... :)

1.  First of all, I received some pretty bad health news a few weeks ago and thought that I was in for a pretty rough battle. BUT...... God is good and yesterday, I was told that after 3 bouts of repeat blood tests, all is good and I am once again, a happy and HEALTHY teacher, wife, and Mom. While waiting for the results of my blood tests, I thought of so many things that were good about my life and that I was never, ever going to take for granted again. My husband, my kids, my faith, my friends.... the fact that even though my husband and I are not rich, we are rich in so many things that are not monetary. We are able to pay our mortgage, put our kids through college, have two cars..... Really, none of this is important if you do not have your health. I have a wonderful, wonderful husband. I have 3 amazing kids and a beautiful daughter-in-law who are making their way through life in strong and resourceful ways. I teach in a school that supports its teachers and treats us in thoughtful and fun ways. I am blessed and thankful for the life I was given.......

2.   I know that Kacey showcased these Pete the Cat creations in her Five for Friday post, but I thought I would share the creations from my kiddos, too! They are from Deanna Jump's Colorful Cats resource. I am not exactly sure what is going on with the whiskers on this one, but it sure does have personality! You can find the link to Deanna's COLORFUL CATS resource HERE.

3.  My kiddos made these Monarch butterflies. Because we have had (and still have), Monarch butterfly chrysalis in our classroom, we spent a few weeks learning about their life cycle. Because it is so early in the year, I cut the butterfly shapes out of orange construction paper for them. Later in the year, I would have had them trace the shape themselves. They added the details with black and white oil crayons and made the body from black construction paper circles. I thought they did an amazing job for this early in the year!

My Monarch butterfly life cycle resource can be by clicking the link below.

4.  Because I needed to keep myself busy while awaiting my blood test results, I spent my evenings revising some of my resources. I REALLY, really updated my APPLE unit resource. There are 3 sections inside this product. I updated photos, fixed borders, and basically gave it a face lift. If you purchased it, re-download it! If you are interested in it, click any photo below to take you to my store....

5.  I had a sweet buyer contact me about my Decodable Phonics Readers. She said that she loved the booklets, but that the borders were all crooked. Well.... when I checked, she was right! When I revised these readers, I converted from PPT to Keynote. Sometimes when you do this, things can be a bit wonky in the conversion. I guess I checked the text and the images, but not the borders... sigh..... BUT they are fixed now, so if you purchased this product, re-download it to get straightened pages!
So that's it for now, my friends! It's time to get my work clothes on and mow the lawn which I am BLESSED to be able to do!

Hop on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching for more Five for Friday thoughts!

Until next time!
