I took down the kid's St. Patrick's Day projects before Spring break and had a bare bulletin board when we returned. One thing I do not like is an empty bulletin board! Looking at the projects that my kiddos have created brings me joy each day that I am at school. I needed to replace the bareness fast, but didn't have a lot of extra time to do it. So, I decided to make one of our literacy centers into a "Creation Station." The rules for this center were these: 1. Put your name on your paper. 2. Using only paper, create a picture. It has to be your own thought; no copying! 3. You may only use crayons or markers for details such as eyes or

the rays of the sun. Everything else must be made of paper. 4. There has to be more
color than
white on your paper.
I cut 12 inch x 18 inch paper in half and set out the scrap paper box. I don't know if every kindergarten teacher has a scrap paper box, but if you have one like mine, every color of the rainbow can be found in that box! Included in the center box was scissors and glue sticks. I even found 2 Common Core Standards that could be used for this center; although they are more of a math standard than a reading standard. Here they are:
I can build and draw shapes and
I can combine simple shapes to form larger shapes. Hurray!
Here is a picture of the bulletin board:
Here are some close ups of some of their pictures. I was amazed at the details! The rainbow is made of little pieces of paper and

look at the little Lego guy peeking out of his castle! Adorable and creative AND and an easy center to prepare!

So it is late and time for me to get to bed! Have an enjoyable school week!
Peace and blessings,