This week I tried out a spring addition game on my kinders! My kinders are my test group when I am trying out new ideas! They are getting used to me saying "Oh, my, this won't work, will it? I guess Mrs. Feeney is going to have to go back to the drawing board! Thanks for being my guinea pigs!" Of course, they all laugh when I say this and say "I'm not a guinea pig!" I haven't really explained what being a guinea pig means - I really do not want to get into that! :) But they are good sports about the changes and even though centers may change slightly from day to day, they continue to learn and that's what is important, right?
So, after many changes, I THINK that I have something that will work for practicing math facts from 1 - 5. Before the Common Core Standards, we did not really work on fluency in addition; just exposure. But one of the Math Core Standards for kindergarten says this: I can fluently add number combinations to 5!" Yikes! And even though our school hasn't adopted the Common Core Standards yet, I am constantly looking at them to see if we are following them. I want to be ready for them when we finally DO adopt them!
The pictures here show my students using eggs and baskets to play this game. That is one thing that I changed. Since I am so late getting this game ready, I added spring flowers to the packet as well as Easter eggs. That way it can be used for the rest of the school year. You can also see a die in the picture by the game. That is another thing I changed. The game with the dice was just too complicated, so I took that out and used the number combination cards instead. So if you are interested in this game, click here and you can get it for free or click on the pink packet picture at the beginning of this post! Also, I want to give a Shout Out to Melanie at From the Pond! Her clip art is absolutely adorable and reasonably priced, too! Click here to find her clip art!
Peace and blessings!