Tech tip Tuesday

Hmm........ although I LOVE technology and use it everyday, it is difficult for me to come up with a tech TIP............! Instead I think I will share a little about my plans for technology this year in my kinder class.

Our school was lucky to receive a grant to purchase a classroom supply of ipads at the end of last year. That is NOT a classroom supply per classroom, though! So that means that they have to be signed out and shared - with the WHOLE SCHOOL! :) My plan is to check out 5 ipads a week and use them in a small group with me. Because they must be shared, I am not sure if I will allow them to be used independently. But I am not ruling that possibility out - you never know what skills your students will have in January! Because ipad technology is pretty new to me, I do not have a great deal of expertise in recommending apps. So I have done a bit of research and thought I would share with you the little bit that I have found.....

First of all, I read that Duck, Duck, Moose apps are excellent and that you cannot go wrong with them. Click the image to take you to their website.

I also love Heidisongs Resources and she wrote a wonderful post of how she uses ipads in her classroom. She lists apps that she recommends as well as a review of each of them. Here is her link: Heidisongs Resources

I have started a board on my Pinterest account. Right now it is pretty small and mostly lists the apps that you can find in the 2 resources above, but I hope to add more as the year progresses. Here is the link to my ipad Pinterest board.

Since we will doing the Daily 5 this year, I will be utilizing the desktop Macs that we have in the classroom to listen to a story. Here is a good link for listening to stories.... Storyline Online

That is it for me! To find some more great tech tips, hop on over to Blog Hoppin' or better yet, link up and share your wonderful tech tips!

Until next time! Blessings,